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Second parole hearing

Dec. 12, 2017—Jay Travis’s second parole hearing was a lot shorter than the first and ended the same way—denied. He screwed it up himself. Not long before the hearing Travis committed two rules violations—refusal to work, and possession of a cell phone. Acknowledging that he would be denied parole, Travis requested a 3-year stipulation, meaning that parole could be revisited 3 years thence. The deputy DA asked instead for a 5-year stipulation based on Travis’s record, the crime, and the danger he poses to the community. He suffers mental health problems and is in therapy and on drugs. According to the comprehensive risk assessment, he is deemed to pose a high risk potential. At the end of the hearing, the 5-year stipulation was granted. So at the earliest, he’ll be up again in 2022. 

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